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Conference - England and Scotland in Union from 1603: Anglo-Scottish Relations -Past, Present and Future
start date 2003-11-06
finishing date 2003-11-07
title Conference - England and Scotland in Union from 1603: Anglo-Scottish Relations -Past, Present and Future
details The RSE is joining with the British Academy to mark the 400th Anniversary of the Union of the Crowns with a two-part conference in London and Edinburgh looking at the impact of developments in the Constitution, Politics, Economy and Society. This, the second part of a two-part conference to mark the 400th Anniversary of the Union of the Crowns, will focus on Anglo-Scottish Relations since 1918 with particular emphasis on the very recent past, the present and the future.

Please contact the Events Office ( for further information and registration details.

organisation Joint British Academy / Royal Society of Edinburgh conference
time Full day
venue Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22-26 George St, Edinburgh, EH2 2PQ tel : 0131 240 5000

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