St Andrews Castle
Stirling Castle
Dunfermline Palace
Huntingtower (Ruthven) Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Huntly Castle
Linlithgow Palace
Dirleton Castle
Mar's Wark
Kelso Abbey


This sadly ruined building was once a fine Renaissance townhouse. It was started by John, Earl of Mar, in 1570-2. He became Regent of Scotland in 1571 but died in 1572. It may never have been finished. The building is of two-storeys, a parallelogram in shape. The main facade, on the street line, has two semi-octagonal turrets with a gateway leading to a pend. The architectural style is Scottish Renaissance and the facade is highly decorated with varied carvings as can be seen in this picture. Mar's Wark may have become a workhouse in the earlier 18th century but it was roofless by the 1770s.